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LNMP 手动更新 SSL 证书

2020-06-03 运维 3362人已围观 7873次浏览

简介LNMP 手动更新 SSL 证书提示 It seems the CA server is busy now, let's wait and retry. Sleeping 1 seconds

最近发现有一台 VPS 上搭建的网站 SSL 证书快要过期了,由于之前一直是用的 lnmp 1.6 中的命令自动创建和部署的 Let’s Encrypt 免费证书,证书三个月过期,之前一直都是在到期前一个月自动续期的,这次却马上都要到期了,也没有自动续期。

登录到 VPS 查看自动更新命令

crontab -l

发现执行的是目录 /usr/local/acme.sh 下面的 acme.sh,然后手动执行更新域名证书的命令

acme.sh --renew -d 域名

一般来说,执行到这里,只要稍微等待一会儿,自动签发证书并重启 Nginx 后就正常了。但是却等了很久,并提示下面的内容

It seems the CA server is busy now, let's wait and retry. Sleeping 1 seconds





Today we have transitioned to a new CDN for the Production API. The change should already be visible worldwide. We expect that this change will not affect any client software.

We had previously made this transition for the Staging API: New CDN for the Staging API 180

With the new CDN, we have the opportunity to terminate TLS ourselves. The most visible change will be that the API will present a different TLS certificate. This will validate normally. We’ll also be able to make more agile ciphersuite changes in the future.

If you notice changes to API availability or behavior, please bring this to our attention here in the community forum. Thank you!

因为 LNMP 的 Let’s Encrypt 证书支持,就是用的 acme.sh 程序

查看 acme.sh 的 GitHub 发现更新过版本


所以这里直接更新 VPS 上的 acme.sh 程序

cd /usr/local/acme.sh
acme.sh --upgrade


acme.sh --renew -d 域名

执行成功后,SSL 证书更新完成

很赞哦! (0)



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