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idea去掉Smart commands execution提示
2020-06-16 【杂七杂八】 4132人已围观 8172次浏览
简介idea去掉Smart commands execution提示
Smart commands execution
Highlighted commands can be interpreted and executed by the IDE in a smart way.
Press Ctrl+Enter to try this, or Enter to run the command in the console as usual.
You can turn this behavior on/off in Preferences | Tools | Terminal. Got it!
首先在 idea 界面,连按两下 Shift ,出现界面后输入 “registry”,并选择第一个打开注册表窗口
将其禁用(就是这一行后面的 Value 列中,去掉勾即可)
之后关闭该窗口即可,即时生效(不用重启 idea)
很赞哦! (0)
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